Hike to Vettakollen with DNT Youth Oslo
DNT ung Oslo invites you to join a hike to Vettakollen, one of Oslo’s most popular hiking destinations
Wednesday 4th of September, DNT youth Oslo invites you to a hike to Vettakollen, one of Oslo’s most popular hiking destinations with a spectacular view over the city.
We will meet at Sognsvann metro station (t-bane), at 5 pm. Look for hiking guides in red jacket/vest.
The hike is about 6 kms long and it will take about 2.5 hours. We will be back at Sognsvann metro station around 7:30 pm. Bring along some water, snacks, a sit pad, and warm clothes. We recommend wearing good shoes (trainers).
The event is free for students! To join, please fill out the form on the right side on this link.
We are looking forward to seeing you!
#dntungoslo #osloonsdag