Knit and Sew for Pros and for Dummies

Knitting and sewing evening for Studentslippet at Chateau Neuf. Join if you want to learn how to knit, sew or to work with your crafts in a social environment

Strikk og Drikk Studentforening is a student association for all students in Oslo. We meet regularly to knit, sew, and drink. Bring your preferred handcraft and join us. Can’t sew or knit? We’ll teach you!

On Wednesday, September 4, there will be an evening of knitting and sewing at Chateau Neuf. Coffee/tea will be served, and there will be an opportunity to purchase drinks there. You can bring non-alcoholic beverages, if you want.
Feel free to bring what you want to knit or sew. If you don’t have your own supplies, we will provide you.

Events and information are shared on Facebook (Strikk og Drikk Studentforening) and Instagram (@sfstrikkogdrikkoslo). Like our page and follow us for updates!