Event type Drop in activities

22 July Centre

Seks personer står på et museum og ser på ulike utstillinger. Fire står med ryggen til.

About the centreThe 22 July Centre conveys knowledge about the terror attack in the Government Quarter and on Utøya on 22 July 2011. Through exhibitions, teaching and documentation, the 22 July contributes to a historical consciousness of the memory of…

Try SiO Athletica

Gruppetrening. Tre kvinner og en mann i treningstøy strekker i tau. I forgrunnen står en person med Athletica-t-skjorte vendt mot dem.

Between 31 August and 6 September you can visit our six clubs and ask for a free trial session (one per person). If you want to test our group training classes, contact one of our receptions. Try working out at…